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How it all began..

When my eldest son was 2 years old, my wife and I began the process of looking for a nursery for him so that we could return to work.

How it all began..

When my eldest son was 2 years old, my wife and I began the process of looking for a nursery for him so that we could return to work.

We wanted somewhere warm and nurturing...

that would embrace our son, make him feel safe and comfortable and prioritise his emotional and behavioral development; we wanted a nursery filled with loving and capable staff who would invest in his early academic success. Most of all, we wanted a nursery that felt sincere and welcoming, that encouraged children to be themselves and learn through the safe exploration of the world we live in. In short, we wanted somewhere that would replicate the security of the family environment which my son was used to. When our search for all of this was unsuccessful, the idea of Little Aisha was born.

That was back in 2015..

when Little Aisha actually came into being and started out as a single room in our South Harrow branch, caring for a total of 6 children. From the very beginning, we focused wholeheartedly on providing the home from home environment that our son and so many other children need in order to feel secure as they venture from the bosom of their families for the first time. Once we saw the incredible impact our approach was having on the children that we cared for, the ability to spread this care to as many children as possible became Little Aisha’s goal.

Mohamoud Yussuf

Father of 4 children and 5 Nurseries, Sep 2023

Mohamoud Yussuf

Father of 4 children and 3 Nurseries, Sept 2020

7 years later..

and the nursery has expanded just as my family has. My son has been joined by 3 more siblings, while Little Aisha is now spread across 4 locations – Harrow, Stanmore, Neasden and Pinner. – and has a cohort of over 240 children. Little Aisha continues to promote inclusivity, loving encouragement, positive behavioural development and early academic exploration. we have never stopped striving to live our ethos and bring the values we hold dear to an ever increasing number of children. The children in our care and their families remain at the heart of all we do and continue to inspire us to strive for excellence in the level of care we provide.


We understand our role in the children’s lives

as holistic in the sense that we have always sought to provide more than just a building to bring your children to and some toys for them to play with; everything from the way we decorate our classrooms, to the resources we use, the staff we hire and the relationships that we work hard to build with parents are a part of the service that we provide and part of the reason why we refer to ourselves as the little Aisha family.

It was always our wish to bring the love and care that we pour into our own children, into every child that walks through our doors, irrespective of their background; I am beyond proud to be able to say that this is a goal we continue to meet daily and one that we hope to continue meeting for years to come.

Caring for the