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A Typical Day

Our daily routine


Children at Little Aisha Nursery enjoy a balanced and fulfilling routine of free play and structured activities, which are specifically designed to support their physical, personal, social, emotional and educational development. Age specific activities are planned by children’s key workers in line with their individual developmental goals and the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

Below are examples of a typical day in our Bumblebee, Caterpillar and Butterfly rooms. These routines are varied slightly to accommodate changing topics and themes throughout the year. We are flexible in our approach and observe children’s individual routines in relation to bottle feeding times, sleep and nappy changing times.

Bumblebees (0 - 2 years old)

This is a general guide to our daily routine, it is however dependent on each individual child’s needs. For bottle times and sleep we will follow your child’s routine. One to one Key carer time takes place at different times during the day.

Greet parents – breakfast time

Free Play

Hand washing followed by Morning Snack

Free play and messy activities

Group time and singing


Sleep / Quiet time

Snack time

Free play and garden play (weather permitting)

Afternoon Snack

Free play

Tea Time

Calm down time – free play – getting ready for home time

relaxed time and last children leaving

*Please note that the menu provided in the welcome pack is currently under review with a new set of 2021 menus to be provided shortly.*

Caterpillars/Butterflies ( 2- 5 year olds)

Our Toddlers and pre-School children observe fairly similar routines, though their activities will vary slightly and always be age appropriate. Our preschoolers will be given slightly more responsibility around meal times and clean up times to help encourage and promote school readiness and independence.

Greet parents – breakfast time

Free Play

Tidy Up, hand washing and Morning Snack

Circle Time

Activity Time (based on the monthly theme)

Outdoor play

Say goodbye to our morning cohort, welcome afternoon starters and Lunchtime

Free play

circle time and story time

Afternoon Snack

Outdoor play

structured play and crafts

Tea Time

Tidying up, story time, last children leaving

At Little Aisha we offer a flexible service to meet the needs of our busy parents.

At Little Aisha we encourage our children to learn and grow and we champion child led activities.

We believe in promoting health and well being by encouraging excercie through sports and activities.